About dogparks.uk | Your Trusted Dog Field Booking System

We're making it easier to hire secure dog parks, but we can't do it without you.

Our wonderful boy Benson came to us with some challenges associated with his early years during lockdown, and we struggled to walk him without drama! Then we discovered secure dog fields, and they have been a godsend. Socialising with friends and their dogs in a safe and controlled environment means we can help him learn how to be a dog, and we’re not alone in this journey. We’re part of a community of dog owners sharing similar experiences. More and more dog parks, or dog fields, are opening, which is great. It means we can explore new places, go on holiday, and enjoy time with ‘Benny’ knowing we have somewhere safe to take him. Finding and booking fields can be a faff, particularly when you must phone to hire or navigate a clunky website and enter your details each time. It struck us that there must be an easier way to book and save everyone time and hassle. And that’s when dogparks.uk was born, a system designed to make booking dog fields a breeze. Enjoy your dogs! Nick, Donna & Benny